Friday, September 21, 2007

TGIF Bad Morning

Well it's friday and I can't wait till 5:00. When I woke up This morning I thought to my self today will be a good day, Well it's only 15 after 10:00 and I am ready to go back home and get in the bed!!!!! It all started with my dogs this morning, I was trying to get ready and they needed to go out so I opened the back door and let them out. They always stay right there where I can see them, not this morning. I was putting a load of clothes in the dryer and took my eyes off of them for 2 sec, and they were gone!!!!! So I go running outside screaming there names, no sign of them. I am getting real scard at this point I am walking around the back wondering where they would go, I as I was going inside to call Jerry which I did not want to do here they come running like crazy. I stood there yelling at then like they knew what I was saying and as I was walking back in the house I stepped in a big pile of POO I was bare foot tooo Gross!!!!! That just made me so mad I could have beat them!!!!!! So now I have both my dogs back in the house and they know they are in trouble, They both are laying in the floor with they heads down. I poped both of them and Put them in there create. Remember this is at like 6:45 in the morning and I am not a morning person ask my mom!!!!! Now I am back to getting ready. As I am leaving I notice Jerry forget to roll the trash can down to the road so I put my stuff in the car and start rolling the trash can down to the road and it turns over so I now have trash bags all in the yard. I am trying to pick the big green can up and it still has some trash in it and its heavy so I had to pull out the bags that stayed in the can so I could set it back up. Ok now I have trash to the road the dogs are safe and I can go to work. I get in the car and I can smell my self I don't know if it's the POO I stepped in your the weeks worth of trash I just picked up so I go back in the house and Change clothes real fast and spray some Heavenly Perfum on and out the door I go again!!!! I did make it to work on time but when I got here Todd asked me if everything was ok this morning and I said I have had a bad start but things are Ok, and thats when he tells me I have my shirt on backwards. So I just hope nothing else go's wrong today I think I have had enough trama for one friday morning. I think I just need to start all over.... Hope you enjoy


The Rackroom Crew said...

Welcome to land of BLOGS.
Se You Soon

Anonymous said...

Oh, that made me laugh so hard!

Sorry it was bad, but it's funny now, right?!! :)

Believe me. I have those kind of mornings ALL the time!

Yes, welcome to blogging, too. It's fun, fun, fun, and a great way to connect and share your thoughts!

Stephanie said...

Amanda told me about your blog and I laughed so hard. I know that it wasn't funny at the time, but like Krisit said it is now right?