Saturday, January 30, 2010

The First Fire

Jerry and I have a wood burning fireplace and when they starting calling for all this snow again I told him we needed to get some wood just in case the power goes out. ( I guess that the south Carolina coming out in me) In my defense they are calling for 4-10 inches of snow and maybe some ice as well. One thing that is kinda scary we have never had a fireplace before so this is a first for both of us.... So we brought some of the wood in and stacked it in the fireplace and.............................This is what we ended with
Love ya Kerrie and Jerry


The Rackroom Crew said...

Oh my, that looks so warm! You and the hubby did a good job. I am getting ready to add some snow photos to our BLOG so check them out later!

The Sparks said...

Looks so warm and cozy! Enjoy.

The Rackroom Crew said...

Hey! Happy Heart Day!